Friday, July 18, 2008

welcome to the jungle

As high as an elephant's eye, well if it were a short elephant. Our mere 12 tomato plants have grown like crazy! And our raspberry bushes (sadly raspberry season is now over - don't worry, Nate made the most of it by going out every morning to pick some for his breakfast) have decided to try and completely take over our garden. Their thorns are sharp! I thought I'd post a before picture and after of the 'back forty'. Please note the picture with Nate also has our garden owl, Percival (he has successfully scared away real birds from nibbling the fruits of our labors). So any ideas what to do with all of the tomatoes we'll have coming in, furiously and quickly?


Laura F said...

We'll take some tomatoes! :-) You planted 12 plants?? Wow!

That's amazing your raspberries have done so well, I have never had luck with them but have only tried them in Utah. Maybe it's too dry there? Anyway - looks like it's all doing well!

Lindsay said...

Wow! I wish we lived nearby to enjoy some of that action. As John Denver says, Ain't nothin' better than true love and homegrown tomatoes!
I'll send you a recipe for tomato salad-yum, yum!