Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I realize the last few posts have been about Jimmy. This one is too. Grace is still here and is as Gracey as usual. She has now started playing the flute (so far she's learned B flat AND A flat). She's also trying to expand her literary pursuits beyond Harry Potter. But Jimmy, well he's 5 1/2 and is just as something-else as Grace was when I first started the Grace-isms on the side of this here darling blog.

Tonight during the prayer for dinner, Jimmy prayed "and please bless Mom and Dad that they can be nice." Later on in the evening he said it was uncomfortable to sit next to Nate because he was too warm and too hairy (perhaps I might know someone who has felt that way before).

We must have made progress because his bedtime prayer included "thank you for letting Mom and Dad be nice." Let's see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

Evalynn said...

He sounds like one fun boy! I like his kind of prayers. I wish someone would pray for me to be nice ;) Where there's a prayer there's hope.