Wednesday, October 26, 2011

no pain no gain

Today's PT appointment was incredibly painful. So painful (to borrow a phrase from my favorite bully, Buford) I was sweating through my eyeballs. Have you ever been in pain so much that you couldn't stop your eyes from leaking? There was no emotion involved at all, just pure pain. It didn't last long and then it was quite gone.

My range of motion has increased. My walking is more like real walking. I'm back at the gym (on a very limited routine, but I'm still going). And I still get to ice down every night, and though that may not sound like fun to you - consider today was one of only 2 days in the last 2 months where the temps here were not more than 90 degrees.

I think I'll refrain from lumbering tonight and instead walk over to the kitchen and make myself a nice up of cocoa to celebrate the release from pain and our fall-like temps (only a high of 82 today!)


girlfriday said...

oh sarah. i completely understand. i have chronic joint issues and have been doing PT for the past 4 months. i'm so exhausted when i'm finished because of how painful it is. good luck in your recovery!

Anonymous said...

I hope I don't feel your pain next week. Hang in there.