The celebration began last night. My darling MIL took me to see a stage production of South Pacific. The music was fun and the partial male nudiness was surprising. All in all a great way to move more towards my late 30s.
This morning consisted of Nate staying home long enough to make breakfast and lunches for kids, an emergency trip back to school with a forgotten (and sorely missed) Kindergarten backpack (this small act puts me as a contender for Nicest Mom on the Planet award - I love being a contender), breakfast out, and some good shopping. This afternoon brought some nice laziness and catching up with the children on unwatched episodes of Phineas and Ferb. Next on the docket - a family date night. Tomorrow consists of a for-real-date-night with my handsome surgeon. I'm pretty stoked.
There were many birthdays during those med school and residency years when it didn't seem so birthday-ish. Its nice to make up for all that!
Happy Birthday to me!!!!
Happy Birthday to you my firstborn! Love you truly, truly, truly!
Happy Birthday! It sounds like you started it off with a bang :) Wishing you all the best!
sweet birthday party!! unwatched episodes of Phineas and Ferb? awesome.
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