Wednesday, May 2, 2012

the yo yos I live with

These pictures were taken about a year and a half ago. I find them a rather accurate series of portraits of the other three who live here.

After TBall and the illustrious band concert (btw, Grace played a duet at the concert - Hedwig's Theme - of course it rocked!), we went out for frozen yogurt.

We had to convince Jimmy to actually try it. He loves yogurt and he likes ice cream, but he was not sold on the notion of yogurt being frozen. Once he tried it, he dug it. He dug it a lot; so much so that mid-bite he called out, "Ouch, my head! It is hurting!!" Grace replied, "Oh, its just a brain freeze. As humans we did not evolve to eat frozen foods. Our blood vessels just can't keep up."

That seemed to satisfy him.
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wendy holt said...

What a cute family you have. Definitely, keepers.

Anonymous said...

Love those yo yo's and you too!