Wednesday, November 14, 2007

it is november, right?

So that means you've got to vote for something. Why not vote for my brother-in-law Coby. He (at the insistence of his wife, Natalie) entered a singing contest with a local radio station. Click here and scroll over to the right to find Coby (contestant #82, wearing a red shirt), watch him sing and then vote. Vote early and vote often!


Anonymous said...

The election is in Arizona, not Illinois, so you can't vote early and often . . .

Robin Morrison said...

*ahem* "WATCH him sing"???

Is this a lip-synch or a jinyoowine singing contest?

Robin Morrison said...

Sorry but I don't vote:

"It won't make a difference. The system is too corrupt."

Besides, they all sound the same... ;)