Tuesday, July 21, 2009


1. Right on Kara, it is "Green Eggs and Ham."
2 & 3. He says it is "Goken" meaning "Broken." (good job, Kate!)
4. Yes Emily, he is very leery of the sea.
5. And as usual, Mom is right - Jimmy prefers the pink hat.

1 comment:

GG/MOM/geny said...

Soemtimes there is need for cool breezes in all sorts locations.. and he probably thought life very private. Truthfully, I think the covers became all rolled up and somehow the bottom half of his pj's lurking in there somewhere..OR maybe by the big pottie in the bathroom and in the rush of sleep coming on..why bother to re-dress??GG/MOM/geny
And his feet bare too..so July 2009just full of surprises.
But whatever the challenge, Jimmy seems to know what to do..and most times, being male, he doesn't bother with explanations.. But I could see the tan mark just at the waist..so the sun and Vitamin D in place. We hope sweet dreasms too.
From your loving grits-by-the-seaside gg.