Saturday, October 10, 2009

conversation tactics

If only you were pool-side today. You would have heard the following interchange:

Grace: "Mom, you look like a short, fat woman underwater! No, really!"
Me: "Uh, thanks."


GG/MOM/geny said...

Remember how the Horror and/or Funny house mirrors could make you look like a string bean (even if your weighed 350 lbs??) And another mirror made you appear squat and fat as a giant pumpkin that decided to grow sorta taller but mostly round.?? When you go to the Centenneial Park in Chicago.. at BEAN location, same thing happens..
So does clear water..whatever of you that is underneath..undergoes visual transformation..quite perhaps this is time to give Princess Gracie a new lesson in real vision and
make-beleive vision???..uh, you know, before she might share with wrong person her observation..and they would in turn call her a name she would not appreciate..
But I might be offering too many suggestions? Just-your-Grits-by-the-sea-side-this-gorgous-Autumn-October-Saturday. Love to all:

Squishy Burrito said...

If only you were in Colorado today you would be explaining why it is not okay to eat icicles off of cars in the Walmart parking lot.

Kristin said...

I love it! While watching Biggest Loser the other night, Ellie turned to Caiser and I and said 'mom, dad, you guys should go on that show'! Wow...makes you feel good. At least they love us!

H. said...

Funny the tricks your eyes can play when you are looking under water, isn't it? Gotta love the frankness of youth...or not.