Friday, February 27, 2009

the numbers of art

Today J and I joined our friend, Kara, at the St. Louis Art Museum (creative name, huh?). This was their first free day of the new exhibit, "Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty."

Before entering the museum, Jimmy was very impressed with a sculpture, "Oh, it muss be a sculture...statue!" I thought perhaps he may be showing signs of interest in art.

Once we were in the exhibit (which was full of not only art, but serious adults appreciating the art) Jimmy discovered Numbers. Some displays were numbered (and for some reason some were not), he could not get over the numbers. "Oh Mama, it muss be numbers. What number is it?" Some of my answers he accepted, "Oh, right. Muss be six." And sometimes he didn't. "Oh iss eeleaben and two I's!! Mama, iss two I's!!!" The more thrilled he was with his discovery the louder he became.

So perhaps he'll lean more towards math than art? Time will tell. Also I should mention he refused to wear his shoes. Was he thinking of the Chinese custom of removing one's shoes before entering someone's home? Or was he just being stubborn?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm....I don't know about the shoes. I thought he liked them at his birthday party. But the numbers...would be great to have a math baby! Miss you all!