Thursday, December 4, 2008

time flies in the county

I can't believe its already Thursday. I'm not sure where the time has gone. Some of the time was spent on a dash to West County (in STL they refer to the suburbs as "The County" and then they like to get specific about which part of the county) to see Gracie's eye doctor. Its a good thing we did, because we caught a little vision slip-up and things are now back on track. The crazy thing to me is that the doctor (well we see two of them, but the one in question - Dr. R) is based out of Children's Hospital (a mere 4 mile drive from our house), yet he has decided to see the majority of his patients in West County (a 28ish minute drive from our house). So I could either get Grace in to see him in WC on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. which would provide me an opportunity to delve into what some would call rush hour or we could see him at Children's in August!

The fortunate thing is that the WC office is located across the street from Pastries of Denmark. The unfortunate thing is that PofD decided to jump on the trendy bandwagon and implement a Cupcake Bar. The cupcakes are beautiful, but decidedly not good! I personally feel they should stick to their specialties, say Danish pastries?!


Evalynn said...

Cupcakes that aren't good . . . that is a tragedy :)

Brittany Owens said...

It stinks when you purchase something so delectable, and it does not live up to its potential. I guess you would have to stick to the pastries.