Thursday, June 25, 2009



GG/MOM/geny said...

Well Jimmy Boy..such a very professional hold on that stick..I doubt you will ever hold a baseball bat with tighter grip..but then such a prize !!!!! popsicle and all yours.
A real 4th of July Preview..and I must say your mouth has correct anatomy for that size of marvelous treat. On the beaches now in this warmer weather we are having a great time with treats such as that..just dripping down hands, tummies and then..a dip in the sea for wash-up time.Much love from:
Your forever-grits-by-the-sea-gg

Natalie Page said...

So entertaining. It makes me appreciate popsicles more than I have lately.

Lindsay said...

Oh I CAN'T WAIT to see him eat a popsicle in PERSON! I laughed so hard. Thanks for sharing!